*Za korake do učlanjenja i pristupnicu idite ovdje.
*For the steps to become a member and the application form, go here.
Informiranje je ključ za razumijevanje celijakije i pravilnog tretmana bolesti. Pomoć koju Udruga daje vrlo je korisna i sveobuhvatna. Podaci udruge oboljelom su neophodni za održavanje zdravlja. Svi koji imaju potrebu bezglutenske zdravstvene prehrane trebali bi biti učlanjeni u HDC. Kod terapije celijakične bolesti medicinske institucije oboljelom ne mogu mnogo pomoći. Liječnici ne mogu savjetovati o lijeku, o izboru namirnica za bezglutensku prehranu. Udruga daje kompetentne podatke o održavanju zdravlja kod celijakije osobama svih dobnih i rodnih skupina. Prikuplja i distribuira podatke o glutenu u hrani. Sakuplja podatke o održavanju zdravlja kroz pravilnu prehranu. Informira, educira, savjetuje. Sustavno o svemu dobro poučiti može obaviještena osoba iz celijakičnog društva. Bez iznimke, bezglutenska prehrana treba biti striktna i veoma stroga. Učlanjeni u Udrugu pravilno i pravodobno biti ćete informirani što će trajno, sustavno i intenzivno utjecat na održavanje zdravlja, oporavak i integraciju u «normalan» život.
Glavne točke informiranja su:
- ukazivanje na potrebu striktnog pridržavanja
- pravilno provođenje dijete
- pravilan izbor namirnica
Što dobivate s učlanjenjem
Vi ste celijakičar - mi vam možemo pomoći, mi vas možemo savjetovati
Želite obavijesti o celijakiji - kontinuirano obavijesti poštom šaljemo članstvu
Zanima li vas priručnik za dnevnu upotrebu? Imamo odgovore na mnoga pitanja. Kao član udruge, dobit ćete besplatno - našu sveobuhvatnu Mapu materijala, časopis/e, analize proizvoda na gluten...
Voljeli biste znati više o bezglutenskoj prehrani - dobit ćete nova saznanja, recepte za pripremu
Namjeravate putovati u inozemstvo - ukazat ćemo vam na važne stvari.
Znate li kolike su cijene bezglutenske hrane. Gdje se nabavljaju potrebni proizvodi? - saznat ćete, imamo popise, sa adresama! Obavijestit ćemo vas o mogućim popustima. Znamo gdje se nabavlja bezglutenska hrana.
Možete li razumijeti, vjerovati u deklaraciju proizvoda? U vezi smo s dijetetičarima, proizvođačima i kontrolnim laboratorijima, stoga vam možemo pomoći.
Tražite veze s drugim celijakičarima - mi možemo pružiti informacije o mogućim kontaktima u vašem okružju.
Želite znati svoja prava - sve ćete saznati.
Svi imamo iste ciljeve: želimo živjeti zdravo, bez poteškoća i sretno - celijakičari vrlo lako mogu biti zdravi, samo ako su pravodobno od kompetentnih, informirani i educirani.
Za održanje, poboljšanje zdravlja i zdravstveno boljeg života osoba sa celijakijom ili glutenskom enteropatijom, neophodno je potrebno imati pravilnu bezglutensku dijetu. Veoma je važno znati sve o prehrani oboljelog. I najmanja količina glutena oboljelom (100% sigurno) narušava zdravlje. Važno je biti pravodobno i pravilno informiran, imati podatke o tome da li je ili nije bez glutena neki prehrambeni proizvod, te brižno pratiti novosti u smislu preporuka za izbor prehrambenih namirnica i smjernica o prehrani.
Hrvatsko društvo za celijakiju (skraćeno HDC) je civilna, neprofitna orgnizacija. Osnivač Udruge je prof.dr. Sanja Kolaček. Udruga smo od značaja koja već četrnaest godina djeluje na opće zadovoljstvo oboljelih od celijakije u Hrvatskoj. Naše djelovanje podržavaju državne institucije i formalno nam pomažu. Pokrovitelji dosadašnjih naših programa su Ministarstvo zdravstva, Hrvatski liječnićki zbor, Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo… Saveznici i suradnici Udruzi su stručnjaci, znanstvenici, srodne organizacije i udruge i osobe istih potreba. Udruga se financira iz natječaja po programima, a za hladan pogon iz članarina i donacija. Humanitarna smo organizacija i pomažemo članstvo.
Najvažnije aktivnosti Udruge su:
- zalažemo se za prava oboljelih osoba s celijakijom (pravo na održanje zdravlja kronično oboljelih osoba s potrebom posebne prehrane, socijalna prava, izmjene štetnih zakona…)
- tiskamo i distribuiramo edukativno-informativne materijale (mapu, knjige, letke, plakate…)
- organiziramo edukacije za održavanje zdravlja s bolešću celijakijom, predavanja, savjetovališta, radionice, redovne sastanke članstva…
- organiziramo manifestacije, okrugle stolove, doedukacije stručnog kadra, seminare…
- organiziramo rekreativna druženja, ljetovanja, zimovanja, izlete…
- humanitarno pomažemo članstva
Unutar Udruge imamo organiziranu Stručnu pomoć liječnika, pravnika, psihologa, nutricionista, ....i ako pojedinac želi, zastupamo članstvo prema instituciji kao posrednik.
Član HDC može biti oboljeli, član/ovi njegove obitelji (za sve je jedna članarina) i svaka druga osoba koja uplati pristupninu i uredno plaća godišnju članarinu, te poštuje Statut HDC. Nacionalna smo udruga. Članstvo nam je iz cijele Republike Hrvatske.
Pristupnina u Udrugu je 200 kn, godišnja članarina 200 kn. Sastanci članstva u Celiko centru, Tomašićeva 10 u Zagrebu (dolazak je neobvezan) odražavaju se svaki prvi radni četvrtak u mjesecu od 18 sati (osim u kolovozu). Za informacije i pomoć možete doći svakog četvrtka u Celiko centar. Za osobe koje zbog daljine ne mogu osobno doći u Celico centar, stojimo na pomoći kroz e-mail kontakt, poštom ili telefonom. Tu se i može učlaniti i dobiti prve materijale - Mapu. Po učlanjenju možete koristiti besplatna savjetovališta (stručnjaka): savjetovališta o izboru namirnica, psihosocijalne radionice, radionice pripreme bezglutenske hrane, predavanja, recepte. Kod ove bolesti odlučiti se za učlanjenje je važno. Sve obavijesti i materijale šaljemo svim članovima putem pošte. Nitko vam za održanje zdravlja s celijakijom ne može pomoći koliko udruga. Da li ćete se boriti za zdravlje ili ga dovesti u pitanje.
Ako je novac (za učlanjenje) problem, molimo nemojte da si zbog novca uskratite zdravlje, a možda i život! Predlažemo, učlanite se svakako. Najvažnije je skrbiti o svom zdravlju i zdravlju svojih najbližih. Iznos se može platiti na više rata (do četiri) ! Socijalno ugrožene osobe HDC može osloboditi plaćanja članarine. U tom slučaju udruzi je potrebno poslati jednostavnu pismenu zamolbu i predočiti neki dokument koji potvrđuje socijalni status. Možda socijalna služba može platiti članarinu?
Važno je znati da je za bolje sutra hrvatskih celijakičara važno da Udruga ima što veći broj učlanjenih. Zajedno smo jači. Brojniji bolje ćemo zastupati interese oboljelih, pomoći, nastupati pred državnim tijelima uprave kod ostvarenja nekih prava. Brojnost će pomoći kod zahtjeva za ostvarenje sredstava za rad udruge i realizaciju njenih programa koji služe krajnjem korisniku. Daleko ste od Zagreba - udruga ima podružnice i udruge suradnike diljem HR!
Information is the key to understanding celiac disease and proper treatment of the disease. The help provided by the Association is very useful and comprehensive. The patient association's information is necessary to maintain health. Everyone who needs a gluten-free healthy diet should be a member of the HDC. In the treatment of celiac disease, medical institutions cannot help the patient much. Doctors cannot advise on medicine, on the choice of foods for a gluten-free diet. The association provides competent information on maintaining health in celiac disease to people of all age and gender groups. Collects and distributes data on gluten in food. It collects data on maintaining health through proper nutrition. It informs, educates, advises. An informed person from the celiac society can teach systematically about everything. Without exception, the gluten-free diet should be strict and very strict. As a member of the Association, you will be properly and timely informed, which will permanently, systematically and intensively affect the maintenance of health, recovery and integration into "normal" life.
The main points of information are:
- indicating the need for strict adherence
- proper implementation of the diet
- proper selection of food
What you get with membership
You are a celiac - we can help you, we can advise you
You want information about celiac disease - we continuously send information by mail to the membership
Are you interested in the daily use manual? We have answers to many questions. As a member of the association, you will receive for free - our comprehensive Materials Map, magazine(s), gluten product analyses...
You would like to know more about the gluten-free diet - you will get new knowledge, recipes for preparation
You intend to travel abroad - we will point out important things.
Do you know the prices of gluten-free food? Where are the necessary products purchased? - you will find out, we have lists, with addresses! We will inform you about possible discounts. We know where to get gluten-free food.
Can you understand, believe the product declaration? We are in contact with dietitians, manufacturers and control laboratories, so we can help you.
Look for connections with other celiacs - we can provide information on possible contacts in your area.
You want to know your rights - you will find out everything.
We all have the same goals: we want to live healthy, without difficulties and happily - celiacs can easily be healthy, only if they are competent, informed and educated in a timely manner.
In order to maintain and improve the health and health of people with celiac disease or gluten enteropathy, it is necessary to have a proper gluten-free diet. It is very important to know everything about the patient's diet. Even the smallest amount of gluten in a patient (100% safe) damages the health. It is important to be timely and properly informed, to have information on whether or not a food product is gluten-free, and to carefully monitor the news in terms of recommendations for the choice of food items and dietary guidelines.
The Croatian Celiac Society (abbreviated as HDC) is a civil, non-profit organization. The founder of the Association is Prof. dr. Sanja Kolacek. We are an important association that has been working for the general satisfaction of celiac patients in Croatia for fourteen years. Our activities are supported by state institutions and formally help us. The patrons of our programs so far are the Ministry of Health, the Croatian Medical Association, the Croatian Institute of Public Health... Allies and collaborators Associations are experts, scientists, related organizations and associations and people with the same needs. The association is financed from tenders for programs, and for the cold plant from membership fees and donations. We are a humanitarian organization and we help the membership.
The most important activities of the Association are:
- we advocate for the rights of people with celiac disease (the right to maintain the health of chronically ill people with the need for a special diet, social rights, changes to harmful laws...)
- we print and distribute educational and informative materials (maps, books, leaflets, posters...)
- we organize education for maintaining health with celiac disease, lectures, counseling sessions, workshops, regular membership meetings...
- we organize events, round tables, further education of professional staff, seminars...
- we organize recreational gatherings, summer vacations, winter vacations, trips...
- we provide humanitarian assistance to membership
Within the Association, we have organized professional help from doctors, lawyers, psychologists, nutritionists, ...and if the individual wishes, we represent the membership towards the institution as a mediator.
A member of the HDC can be a sick person, a member of his/her family (there is one membership fee for all) and any other person who pays the membership fee and duly pays the annual membership fee, and respects the HDC Statute. We are a national association. Our membership is from all over the Republic of Croatia.
The entrance fee to the Association is 200 kn, the annual membership fee is 200 kn. Membership meetings at the Celiko center, Tomašićeva 10 in Zagreb (arrival is optional) are held every first working Thursday of the month from 6 pm (except in August). You can come to the Celiko center every Thursday for information and help. For people who cannot personally come to the Celico center because of the distance, we are here to help through e-mail contact, mail or phone. This is where you can become a member and get the first materials - Map. Upon membership, you can use free counseling sessions (experts): counseling sessions on food selection, psychosocial workshops, gluten-free food preparation workshops, lectures, recipes. With this disease, deciding to enroll is important. We send all notices and materials to all members by mail. No one can help you maintain your health with celiac disease as much as associations. Will you fight for your health or question it?
If money (for membership) is a problem, please don't deprive yourself of your health, and maybe your life, because of money! We suggest that you become a member. The most important thing is to take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. The amount can be paid in several installments (up to four)! Socially disadvantaged persons can be exempted from paying membership fees by the HDC. In this case, it is necessary to send a simple written request to the association and present a document confirming the social status. Maybe the social service can pay the membership fee?
It is important to know that for a better future for Croatian celiacs, it is important that the Association has as many members as possible. We are stronger together. The more numerous we are, the better we will represent the interests of the sick, help, appear in front of state administration bodies when exercising certain rights. The large number will help with the request for funds for the work of the association and the implementation of its programs that serve the end user. You are far from Zagreb - the association has branches and associate associations all over HR!