Bolest ima vrlo šarenu kliničku sliku
Lutate tražeći uzrok svojih zdravstvenih tegoba?
Prema podacima svjetskih istraživanja od celijakije boluje 1-2% stanovništva.
Počnimo aktivno tražiti celijakiju probirom!
CELIJAKIJA je iznimno česta doživotna bolest koja neliječena dovodi do brojnih i ozbiljnih komplikacija, a dugi niz godina može biti skrivena.
Znanje medicinske struke o celijakiji danas je u skladu s rezultatima novih istraživanja sasvim promijenjeno. Stoga nije istina da je celijakija rijetka, izlječiva bolest prolaznog tipa najčešće dječje dobi kao što se nekad smatralo.
Celijakija je kronična bolest svih organskih sustava. Celijakija je doživotna bolest. Celijakija je češća u odraslih nego u djece. Unošenje glutena kod genetski predodređenih osoba u organizmu razvija oštećenje sluznice crijeva, ali i brojnih drugih organa.
Konzumiranje hrane koja sadrži gluten čak i u vrlo malim količinama uzrokuje kod bolesnika poremećenu imunosnu reakciju. Bolest ima vrlo šarenu kliničku sliku. Može se očitovati u bilo kojoj životnoj dobi, a prema zadnjim epidemiološkim podacima najviše bolesnika registrirano je u petom ili šestom desetljeću života.
Kako razlikovanje simptoma celijakije od mogućih pridruženih bolesti može biti vrlo teško, ponekad se nažalost događa da bolesnici godinama obilaze liječnike različitih struka u potrazi za uzrokom svojih tegoba. Bolest može biti i potpuno bez ikakvih simptoma te je tada nazivamo “tihom” ili “prikrivenom”.
Simptomi celijakije mogu biti različiti i često ne ukazuju na povezanost s probavnim sustavom. U bolesnika s poremećajem funkcije crijeva moguće je relativno brzo i lako dijagnosticirati bolest. Klinička slika može biti jasna i prepoznatljiva, ali bolest vrlo često može biti i sasvim tiha. Simptomi često mogu biti čak suprotni od očekivanih! Simptomi bolesti su najjasniji kod male djece. To su simptomi koji ukazuju na problem u trbuhu: povraćanje, napuhnutost, obilne, proljevaste smrdljive stolice, gubitak na težini, umor i slabost. Ako se u dojenačkoj dobi bolest ne prepozna na vrijeme, kasnije se kod djece jasno vidi zastoj u rastu. Navedeni simptomi tipični su simptomi klasične kliničke slike celijakije. S obzirom da tipični simptomi ukazuju na poremećaj funkcije crijeva u ovih bolesnika moguće je relativno brzo i lako dijagnosticirati bolest.
U odrasloj dobi često su tegobe vezane uz različite druge organske sustave i simptomi mogu biti vrlo tihi tako da ih se niti ne može uopće povezati s probavnim sustavom. U odraslih češće su nespecifične tegobe ali nije isključen ni zatvor, proljevi, povraćanje, nadutost i bolovi u trbuhu.
Simptomi mogu biti vrlo tihi tako da ih se niti ne može na prvi pogled uopće povezati s probavnim sustavom, a ako se simptomi odnose na probavu to su uglavnom vrlo nespecifične tegobe poput napuhnutosti u trbuhu i zatvora. Za razliku od dječje dobi, u odrasloj dobi često su tegobe vezane uz različite druge organske sustave. Kako razlikovanje simptoma celijakije od mogućih pridruženih bolesti može biti vrlo teško, ponekad se nažalost događa da bolesnici godinama obilaze liječnike različitih struka u potrazi za uzrokom svojih tegoba. Većina bolesnika u odrasloj dobi uopće nema tegoba od strane probavnog sustava nego se bolest manifestira isključivo izvancrijevnim simptomima kao što su opći simptomi umora i iscrpljenosti, slabokrvnost, promjene na koži, osteoporoza, migrena, psihijatrijski poremećaji, epilepsija, bolesti mišića, jetreni poremećaji, spontani pobačaji,.. Osim toga, bolest može biti i potpuno bez ikakvih simptoma te je tada nazivamo “tihom” ili “prikrivenom”.
Većina bolesnika u odrasloj dobi uopće nema vidljivih tegoba od strane probavnog sustava nego se bolest manifestira isključivo izvancrijevnim simptomima kao što su opći simptomi umora i iscrpljenosti, psihički poremećaji, depresija, anksioznost, anemija, promjene na koži, dermatitis herpetiformis je kožna celijakija, osteoporoza, artritis, migrena, epilepsija, neuromuskulatorni poremećaji, jetreni poremećaji, spontani pobačaji, neplodnost, napuhnutost i konstipacija, malaksalost, povišeni jetreni enzimi, kostobolja i prerane bolesti kostiju, osteopenija, osteoporoza.
Celijakija je češća u obiteljima pa su rođaci u prvom i drugom koljenu također kandidati za testiranje na celijakiju kao i osobe s bolestima koje su češće pridružene uz celijakiju. Genetsko testiranje korisno je u dvojbenim slučajevima ili u testiranju rođaka bolesnika s celijakijom radi donošenja odluke o potrebi praćenja ovih osoba.
The disease has a very varied clinical picture
Are you wandering around looking for the cause of your health problems?
According to global research data, 1-2% of the population suffers from celiac disease.
Let's start actively looking for celiac disease by screening!
CELIAKIA is an extremely common lifelong disease that, untreated, leads to numerous and serious complications, and can be hidden for many years.
The knowledge of the medical profession about celiac disease has completely changed today, in accordance with the results of new research. Therefore, it is not true that celiac disease is a rare, curable disease of the transient type, usually of childhood, as it was once thought.
Celiac disease is a chronic disease of all organ systems. Celiac disease is a lifelong disease. Celiac disease is more common in adults than in children. The intake of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals develops damage to the intestinal mucosa, but also to numerous other organs.
Eating food containing gluten, even in very small quantities, causes a disturbed immune reaction in patients. The disease has a very colorful clinical picture. It can manifest itself at any age, and according to the latest epidemiological data, most patients are registered in the fifth or sixth decade of life.
As differentiating the symptoms of celiac disease from possible associated diseases can be very difficult, it sometimes unfortunately happens that patients visit doctors of various professions for years in search of the cause of their ailments. The disease can be completely without any symptoms, and then we call it "silent" or "hidden".
The symptoms of celiac disease can be different and often do not indicate a connection with the digestive system. In patients with bowel dysfunction, it is possible to diagnose the disease relatively quickly and easily. The clinical picture can be clear and recognizable, but the disease can very often be completely silent. Symptoms can often be the opposite of what is expected! Symptoms of the disease are most obvious in young children. These are the symptoms that indicate a problem in the stomach: vomiting, bloating, profuse, diarrhea-smelling stools, weight loss, fatigue and weakness. If the disease is not recognized in time in infancy, growth retardation is clearly visible in children later. The above symptoms are typical symptoms of the classic clinical picture of celiac disease. Given that the typical symptoms indicate a disorder of bowel function in these patients, it is possible to diagnose the disease relatively quickly and easily.
In adulthood, complaints are often related to various other organ systems and the symptoms can be very silent so that they cannot even be connected to the digestive system at all. In adults, non-specific complaints are more common, but constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence and abdominal pain are also not excluded.
Symptoms can be very silent so that they cannot even be connected to the digestive system at first glance, and if the symptoms are related to digestion, they are mostly very non-specific complaints such as bloating and constipation. In contrast to childhood, in adulthood, complaints are often related to various other organ systems. As differentiating the symptoms of celiac disease from possible associated diseases can be very difficult, it sometimes unfortunately happens that patients visit doctors of various professions for years in search of the cause of their ailments. The majority of adult patients do not have any problems with the digestive system at all, but the disease is manifested exclusively by extraintestinal symptoms such as general symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion, anemia, skin changes, osteoporosis, migraine, psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, muscle diseases, liver disorders, spontaneous abortions,... In addition, the disease can be completely without any symptoms and then we call it "silent" or "hidden".
The majority of adult patients do not have any visible complaints from the digestive system at all, but the disease is manifested exclusively by extraintestinal symptoms such as general symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion, psychological disorders, depression, anxiety, anemia, skin changes, dermatitis herpetiformis is cutaneous celiac disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, migraine, epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders, liver disorders, spontaneous abortions, infertility, bloating and constipation, malaise, elevated liver enzymes, bone pain and premature bone diseases, osteopenia, osteoporosis.
Celiac disease is more common in families, so relatives in the first and second generation are also candidates for testing for celiac disease, as well as people with diseases that are more often associated with celiac disease. Genetic testing is useful in doubtful cases or in testing relatives of patients with celiac disease in order to make a decision on the need to monitor these individuals.